Sunday, August 2, 2009

MJ News Tidbits

I troll the MJ "news" updates so you don't have to. How Public Service-y of me. Although I admit, I skip over 99% of what I read because it seems off-the-chain-speculative and/or irrelevant. Now for the "good" stuff:

A "gifted spiritual traveler" hooked up with MJ in the aether 2 days after his death for an interview. Luckily, that conversation is available for dl as a FREE e-book! (If anyone actually reads this, please do give me a summary.)

The LA Times has an interesting story naming names of Drs. associated with the death investigation. Among them, an ear, nose and throat specialist from NYC, David Slavit:
Slavit was chosen by an insurance company this spring to give Jackson a physical so promoter AEG Live could get coverage for the singer's comeback concerts.
Seems a bit of an odd choice for an insurance company looking to guarantee the overall health and fitness of a performer in L.A. At any rate the article indicates investigators are looking for any possible connections among MJ's many Drs.

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