Friday, October 3, 2008

What I'm Reading This Morning

On the VP debate, Politico says of Palin:

...she got out alive, though there were white-knuckle moments along the way: questions that were answered with painfully obvious talking points that betrayed scant knowledge of the issue at hand, and sometimes little relevance to the question that had been asked.

And of Biden:

Biden offered a fluent, self-assured performance of the sort that can not be especially hard for him after two presidential campaigns, 35 years in the Senate, countless appearances on Sunday morning programs. People impressed by references to legislation, or citations of his record in world hot spots from Bosnia to Darfur, got these in spades.

ABC reports that Palin's "That is not so..." quick answer was, in fact, so:

Sarah Palin got her facts wrong in Thursday's debate with Joe Biden when discussing where John McCain stands on new protections for homeowners facing foreclosures. 

The Alaska governor incorrectly made it sound like McCain supports giving bankruptcy judges the power to rewrite mortgage payment terms on first homes. 

He doesn't.

The latest on Troopergate:

Action Alert on dKos, (originating at MudFlats) regarding release of the upcoming Troopergate report and the McCain campaign's attempts to squash it.

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